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段 : Grade

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grade, steps, stairs

On 'yomi:
ダン(dan) タン(tan)
Radical: (79)
Usage Rating:479
old JLPT:2
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段 Usage examples

落付ける(いちだんらくつける)to complete the first stage of, to settle for the time being
を上る(かいだんをのぼる)to go up the stairs
の相違(かくだんのそうい)marked difference
を講じる(しゅだんをこうじる)to take steps (measures)
を尽くす(しゅだんをつくす)to try everything, to leave no stone unturned
巧みな手(たくみなしゅだん)clever trick
式ロケット(ただんしきロケット)multistage rocket
を取る(だんをとる)to get a black belt, to obtain a degree (in judo)
畝歩(ちょうたんせぶ)units of square measure (for rice fields, forests, etc.)
梯子の(はしごのだん)rung of a ladder
の調べ(ろくだんのしらべ)rokudan (name of a koto composition)
試験(しけんだんかい)testing stage, test step
自衛手(じえいしゅだん)measures to defend oneself (for self-defense) (defence)
実験(じっけんだんかい)experimental stage, experimental phase
通信手(つうしんしゅだん)means of communication
発達(はったつだんかい)developmental stage
非常階(ひじょうかいだん)emergency staircase, emergency stairs
序二(じょにだん)jonidan (second lowest) division
(だんい)dan, grade (of black belt)
海岸(かいがんだんきゅう)coastal terrace
教室(かいだんきょうしつ)classroom in tiers
耕作(かいだんこうさく)terrace culture
目格(さんだんめかく)referee officiating the third lowest sumo division
序二(じょにだんかく)referee officiating the second lowest division
(にだんめ)former name for makushita division
常用手(じょうようしゅだん)the same old tactic
強圧手(きょうあつしゅだん)coercive (high-handed) measure, strong-arm method
強硬手(きょうこうしゅだん)tough measure, firm step, strong measure
防遏手(ぼうあつしゅだん)preventive measure
暴力手(ぼうりょくしゅだん)violent means
瞞着手(まんちゃくしゅだん)ruse, trick, deception tactics
籠絡手(ろうらくしゅだん)means of cajolement (trickery)
corbie-step, corbel gable, crowsteps
活用(よだんかつよう)yodan verb conjugation (verb form of classical Japanese)
ボール箱(だんボールばこ)cardboard box
活用(いちだんかつよう)conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs
上一活用(かみいちだんかつよう)conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs ending in "iru"
下一活用(しもいちだんかつよう)conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs ending in "eru"
活用(ごだんかつよう)conjugation (inflection, declension) of godan verbs
活用(にだんかつよう)conjugation (inflection, declension) of nidan verbs
上二活用(かみにだんかつよう)conjugation (inflection, declension) of nidan verbs (resulting in a stem of either "i" or "u" for every conjugation)
下二活用(しもにだんかつよう)conjugation (inflection, declension) of nidan verbs (resulting in a stem of either "e" or "u" for every conjugation)