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貴 : Precious

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precious, value, prize, esteem, honor

On 'yomi:
Kun 'yomi:
たっと.い(tato.i) とうと.い(touto.i) たっと.ぶ(tato.bu) とうと.ぶ(touto.bu)
きよ(kiyo)(gi) たか(taka) たかし(takashi) よし(yoshi)
Radical: (154)
Usage Rating:970
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貴 Usage examples

円の騰(えんのとうき)rise of the yen
金属卸(ききんぞくおろし)wholesale (wholesaler) in precious metals
い家柄(たっといいえがら)noble birth
い命(たっといいのち)precious life
(あんた)you (familiar form of anata)
(きふう)class size of bonsai trees (25-35cm)
(きりん)era at the end of 1970s dominated by grand champion Wajima and ozeki Takanohana
(あけたか)era during mid-1990s dominated by grand champions Akebono and Takanohana II
輪時代(きりんじだい)era at the end of 1970s dominated by grand champion Wajima and ozeki Takanohana
時代(あけたかじだい)era during mid-1990s dominated by grand champions Akebono and Takanohana II
(きしん)letter, etc. from another party, correspondence
(づけきしん)your letter, fax, etc. dated ...
賤上下(きせんじょうげ)high and low, (people of) all ranks and classes
顕紳士(きけんしんし)gentlemen of (high) eminence, notables, dignitaries
顕紳商(きけんしんしょう)merchant prince
賤貧富(きせんひんぷ)high and low, and rich and poor
貧富(ひんぷきせん)rich and poor, high and low, people of all ranks
栄華(ふうきえいが)wealth, rank, and arrogant splendor
浮雲(ふうきふうん)Riches and honors are as fleeting as floating clouds, Fortune and fame are here today, gone tomorrow
(きしょく)high-ranking government official
方任せ(あなたまかせ)depending on others, leaving things to others
(きび)high and low class
風を吹かす(あにきかぜをふかす)to act patronizingly
腐人(きふじん)adult woman who likes comics about male homosexual love
(きふ)noble rot, Botrytis cinerea infection, esp. of grapes
腐ワイン(きふワイン)wine made with grapes affected by noble rot
ガス(きガス)I get the feeling that, I think that
山高きが故にからず(やまたかきがゆえにたっとからず)never judge a book by its cover, a mountain is not to be honoured just because it is high