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作 : Make
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make, production, prepare, build
つく.る つく.り -づく.り
くり さか さっ づくり とも なお はぎ まさか
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 103 |
Unicode: | 04f5c |
jis208: | 26-78 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
作 Usage examples
流行作家 | popular writer |
炭酸同化作用 | carbon dioxide assimilation |
作り付ける 作りつける | to build in |
顔の作り | features of the face |
体作り | physical culture, bodybuilding (body development, not necessarily weightlifting) |
感応作用 | induction |
組を作る | to make up a party |
句を作る | to compose a haiku poem |
傑作揃い | full array of masterpieces |
作業班 | work party |
作が悪い | have a poor crop |
作文の題 | subject of a composition |
詩を作る | to compose a poem |
新語を作る | to coin a new word, to neologize |
製作所 | works, factory, plant |
相乗作用 | synergism |
造作無く 造作なく | without difficulty |
田作 | rice-field tilling |
畑を作る | to farm, to cultivate a field |
細作りの人 | slender person |
巻き返し作戦 | rollback operation |
名作選 | selection of masterpieces |
列を作る | to form a line (row) |
モノ作り 物作り もの作り | preparing fields, farming, farmer |
共同作業 | group work |
工作室 | workshop |
作業員 | laborer, labourer, blue-collar worker |
作業仮説 | working hypothesis |
作業時間 | working hours |
作詞家 | lyric writer, lyricist, songwriter |
作詞者 | lyric writer, lyricist, songwriter |
作用点 | point of action (e.g. of a lever) |
試作車 | experimental car |
女流作家 | woman writer, lady writer, authoress |
上陸作戦 | landing operations |
心臓発作 | to have a heart attack |
心理作戦 | psychological tactics |
新進作家 | rising novelist |
人気作家 | popular writer |
製作費 | manufacturing cost, production cost |
操作盤 | control board, control panel, console |
著作権所有者 | copyright holder |
著作権侵害 | infringement of copyright, (software, etc.) piracy |
投球動作 | windup |
童話作家 | writer of stories for children |