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削 : Plane
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plane, sharpen, whittle, pare, shave
けず.る はつ.る そ.ぐ
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 刂 (18) |
Usage Rating: | 814 |
Unicode: | 0524a |
jis208: | 26-79 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
削 Usage examples
一字削る | to delete a letter |
気勢を削ぐ | to diminish (dampen) the spirit |
研削代 | grinding allowance |
心無し研削 心なし研削 | centerless grinding, centreless grinding |
旋削 | turning (on a lathe) |
予算を削る | to curtail a budget |
コスト削減 | cost reduction, cost saving |
債務削減 | debt reduction |
二酸化炭素削減義務 | carbon dioxide reducing obligation |
二酸化炭素削減目標 | CO2-reduction goal |
油田掘削施設 | oil rig |
予算削減 | budget cut |
労働力削減 | workforce reduction |
行政紙削減法 | Government Paperwork Elimination Act (USA) |
削れる | to be shaved or planed |
しのぎを削る 鎬を削る | to compete ruthlessly, to sharpen swords |
削げる | to split, to be split, to splinter |
頬の削げた | hollow-cheeked |