経済政策 | economic policy |
窮余の策 | desperate measure |
強硬策 | drastic measures, hard-line policy |
国会対策委員会 | committee of the National Diet |
最善の策 | the best policy (measure) |
策励 | urging, whipping (up) |
策を講ずる | to take (adopt) measures |
策を施す | to take measures |
善隣政策 | Good Neighbor Policy |
対外政策に沿って | in line with the foreign policy |
富国強兵策 | policy of increasing national prosperity and military power |
緊急対策 | emergency measures, urgent countermeasures |
公害対策 | anti-pollution measures |
鎖国政策 | (national) isolationism, isolation policy |
奸策 姦策 | shrewd (dirty) trick, sinister scheme (design), sly art |
インフレ政策 | inflationary policy |
インフレ対策 | counter-inflation measures |
移民政策 | immigration policy |
割引政策 | discount policy |
外交政策 | foreign policy |
環境政策 | environmental policy |
緊縮政策 | austerity plan, austerity program, austerity programme |
景気改善策 | economy recovery plan |
景気対策 | economic measure |
経済対策 | economic measure |
呼び水式経済政策 | pump priming |
疾病対策センター | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC |
政策転換 | policy shift, policy U-turn |
政策秘書 | policy secretary |
政策立案 | policy making |
政策立案者 | policy maker |
超低金利金融政策 | ultra-loose monetary policy |
非常用対策案 | contingency plan |
保護政策 | protectionism |
高金利政策 | dear money policy |
権謀術策 | trickery, wiles, intriguing strategy cleverly designed to fool others, Machiavellism |
政策不況 | policy-induced slump, stagnation resulting from poor economic policies |
善後対策 | remedial measure, preventive measure, the best way to cope with (meet) the situation |
総花政策 | all-around policy, please-everyone policy |
退嬰政策 | conservative (regressive) policy |
無策無為 | donothingism, do-nothing, plan-nothing (government, etc.), being an idle onlooker taking no steps to meet the situation |
無能無策 | ineptitude and inaction, being incapable of devising any appropriate measures to cope with the situation |
政策調査 | party policy research |
政策審議 | policy deliberation |
沖縄北方対策担当大臣 沖縄・北方対策担当大臣 | State Minister in Charge of Issues of Okinawa and Northern Territories |
経済財政政策担当大臣 | State Minister in Charge of Economic and Fiscal Policy |
科学技術政策担当大臣 | State Minister in Charge of Science and Technology Policy |
支援策 | support measures, assistance measures |
防止策 | prevention measure, preventive measures |
窮余の一策 | desperate measure, last-ditch effort |
政策目標 | policy objective |
政策決定過程 | policy-making process |
打開策 打解策 | plan to overcome an obstacle or break out of a deadlock, breakthrough solution |
瀬戸際政策 | brinkmanship |