嵌め殺し はめ殺し | fixed fitting |
飼い殺し | keeping a pet till it dies, keeping a useless person on the payroll |
射殺す | to shoot a person to death |
殺気立つ 殺気だつ | to be seething (with anger), to be frenzied, to be menacing, to be murderous |
盛り殺す | to poison to death, to kill by a prescription error |
叩き殺す | to beat to death |
殺鼠剤 | rat poison |
暗殺を謀る | to plot an assassination |
気勢を殺ぐ | to diminish (dampen) the spirit |
殺人狂 | homicidal maniac |
殺人犯 | murderer |
焼身自殺 | self-immolation, burning oneself to death, suicide by fire |
自殺を図る | to attempt suicide |
第一級殺人 | first-degree murder |
忙殺される | to be worked to death, to be very busily occupied |
身を殺して仁を為す | to do an act of benevolence at the sacrifice of oneself |
幼児殺し | infanticide |
虫も殺さぬ | innocent-looking, looking as though butter would not melt in the mouth |
殺害事件 | murder case |
殺人事件 | a murder, murder case |
殺陣師 | sword fight scene choreographer |
過失殺人 | negligent homicide |
殺人現場 | murder scene |
政治的暗殺 | political assassination |
大量虐殺 | massacre, genocide |
大量殺人 | mass killing, mass murder, bloodbath |
放火殺人 | murder-arson |
連続殺人犯 | serial killer |
幼児虐殺 | Massacre of the Innocents, episode of infanticide by Herod that appears in the New Testament |
殺る | to do someone in, to bump someone off |
滅殺 | obliteration, annihilation |
一殺多生 | It is justifiable to kill one (harmful) person to save the lives of many |
厭世自殺 | killing oneself out of despair (disgust with life) |
矯角殺牛 | trying to straighten the horns of a bull, and killing it in the process, trying to correct a small defect and ruining the whole thing, The cure is worse than the disease |
必殺技 | special or lethal move, usu. one unique to a certain fighter or fighting style, surefire assassination method |
殺げる | to split, to be split, to splinter |
頬の殺げた | hollow-cheeked |
飛び降り自殺 飛降り自殺 飛降自殺 | killing oneself by jumping (e.g. from a tall building) |
木殺し | pounding the edges of planks of wood to join them |
自殺協定 | suicide pact |
殺処分 | culling |
屠殺人 | butcher, slaughterhouse worker |
犬殺し | dogcatcher, person who used to catch dogs and execute them for rabies prevention |
窮鳥懐に入れば猟師もこれを殺さず | Even the hunter will refrain from killing the bird that has flown to him for shelter |
窮鳥懐に入れば猟師も殺さず | Even the hunter will refrain from killing the bird that has flown to him for shelter |
殺人課 | homicide department (of a police force) |
親殺し | parricide |
踏み殺す 踏殺す | to trample to death, to kill underfoot |
南京大虐殺 | Nanking Massacre, Rape of Nanking |
無差別殺人 | indiscriminant killing, indiscriminate murder |