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惨 : Wretched
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wretched, disaster, cruelty, harsh
みじ.め いた.む むご.い
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 心 (61) |
Usage Rating: | 1463 |
Unicode: | 060e8 |
jis208: | 27-20 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
惨 Usage examples
惨状を極める | to present a very terrible (miserable) sight |
惨酷 | atrocity, cruelty, brutality |
意匠惨憺 | agonizing over designing or creating something, making strenuous efforts to devise good ways and means to do something |
冷酷無惨 | cruel and heartless, merciless, implacable, cold-blooded |
惨たらしい | incredibly brutal, gory, gruesome |