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産 : Products
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products, bear, give birth, yield, childbirth, native, property
う.む う.まれる うぶ- む.す
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 生 (100) |
Usage Rating: | 161 |
Unicode: | 07523 |
jis208: | 27-26 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
産 Usage examples
生産力 | productivity |
生産者価格 | producer price |
生産物 | products |
生産財 | producer goods |
生産費 | production costs |
生産過剰 | overproduction |
生産管理 | production control |
経産婦 | woman who has given birth |
林産 | forest products |
林産物 | forest products |
早産児 | premature baby |
産気付く 産気づく | to go into labor, to go into labour |
産み | production, bringing into the world, (physical) birth |
京都の産 | native of Kyoto |
産制 | birth control |
産を成す | to amass a fortune |
生産額 | amount of production |
畜産業 | stockraising |
産業再生 | industrial revival or recovery |
現地生産 | local production |
産業構造 | industrial structure |
産業社会 | industrial society |
産業廃棄物 | industrial waste |
産卵場所 | spawning grounds, egg-laying site |
資産価値 | property (asset) value |
成長産業 | growth industry |
地場産業 | local (silverware) industry (of the town) |
中国共産党 | Chinese Communist Party |
通産相 | Minister of International Trade and Industry |
土産物屋 | souvenir store, gift shop |
破産宣告 | adjudication of bankruptcy |
文化遺産 | cultural heritage |
鉱産物 | mineral product, minerals |
産まず女 | barren (sterile) woman |
産油国 | oil-producing countries (nations) |
単産 | (single-industry) industrial union |
アパレル産業 | apparel business |
エネルギー産業 | energy industry |
システム産業 | system industry |
ブライダル産業 | wedding industry |
ライセンス生産 | license production, licence production |
リース産業 | leasing industry |
レジャー産業 | leisure industry |
宇宙産業 | space industry |
経済産業省 | Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, METI |
過剰生産 | overproduction |
企業倒産 | corporate bankruptcy |
金融資産 | financial asset |
繰延税金資産 | deferred tax asset, DTA |
経済生産高 | economic output |
原油生産 | oil production |
個人資産 | personal asset |
鉱工業生産指数 | industrial production index, IPI |
産業スパイ | industrial espionage |
産出目標 | production target |
資産管理 | asset management, asset management provision |
資産担保証券 | asset-backed securities, ABS |