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刺 : Thorn
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thorn, pierce, stab, prick, sting, calling card
さ.す さ.さる さ.し さし とげ
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 刂 (18) |
Usage Rating: | 1031 |
Unicode: | 0523a |
jis208: | 27-41 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
刺 Usage examples
田楽刺し | skewering |
風刺画 | caricature |
牛刺 | sliced raw beef |
釘を刺す | to give a warning, to remind (a person) of |
刺激臭 | irritant odor, irritant odour, irritating smell (odor, odour) |
刺状突起 | prickle (of plants) |
刺のある言葉 刺の有る言葉 | stinging (barbed) words, harsh language |
とどめを刺す 止めを刺す | to be the best for A, to deliver the final blow, to deliver the coup de grace |
蜂に刺される | to be stung by a bee |
針で刺す | to prick with a needle |
馬刺し 馬刺 | horse-meat sashimi |
刺激の貧困 | poverty of stimulus |
鰺刺 | tern (esp. the common tern, Sterna hirundo) |
極鰺刺 | Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) |
背黒鰺刺 | sooty tern |
コード刺繍 コード刺しゅう | cord embroidery |
フランス刺繍 | embroidery |
ミシン刺繍 | machine embroidery |
黄体刺激ホルモン | luteotropic hormone |
電気的筋肉刺激 | electric muscle stimulation, EMS |
羊水穿刺 | amniocentesis |
刺刀 | dagger |
小鰺刺 | little tern (the official bird of Chiba), sterna albifrons |
刺激薬 | stimulant, irritant |
名刺大 | business-card size |
刺客候補 | candidate for assassination |
刺客戦術 | assassination tactics |