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始 : Commence
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commence, begin
はじ.める -はじ.める はじ.まる
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 女 (38) |
Usage Rating: | 244 |
Unicode: | 059cb |
jis208: | 27-47 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
始 Usage examples
押っ始める | to begin |
始値 | opening (stock-market) quotation |
始発駅 | starting station |
始生代 | Archaeozoic (Archeozoic) Era |
来始める | to come for the first time, to become for the first time |
行き始める | to get going, to start off |
歩き始め | starting to walk |
開始日 | start date |
更始一新 | undergo a complete change, turn over a new leaf |
年末年始 | period encompassing the close of the old year and the start of the New Year |
無始無終 | everlastingness, eternity |
集め始める | to begin to catch (attention, etc.), to begin to collect |
打ち始める | to begin (emphatically), to launch, to embark on |
開始時刻 | starting time |
仕事始め 仕事始 | first time that one works in the year |
逢うは別れの始め | those who meet must part (suggesting the transient nature of this life), we meet only to part |
食べ始める | to start eating |