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市 : Market
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Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 巾 (50) |
Usage Rating: | 42 |
Unicode: | 05e02 |
jis208: | 27-52 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
市 Usage examples
田園都市 | rural or garden city |
市が立つ日 | market day |
市を成す | to form a crowd, to have a crowd of people |
がらくた市 我楽多市 | rummage sale |
市街図 | city map |
市井の出来事 | events on the street |
酉の市 | Bird Day Fair (held at Otori Shrine on each Day of the Bird in November) |
同市 | same city |
ヤングラ市場 | young underground market (the underground economy in goods and services, involving lots of barter and buying and selling of secondhand goods) |
米市場 | the rice market |
都市再生 | urban regeneration |
闇市場 | black market |
海外市場 | overseas (a foreign) market |
学園都市 | university town, college town |
近郊都市 | neighboring towns, neighbouring towns |
古書市 | secondhand book fair |
工業都市 | industrial (manufacturing, factory) town or city |
国際都市 | cosmopolitan city |
市場価値 | market value |
市長選挙 | mayoral election |
市内観光 | city sights |
市内通話 | intra-city telephone call, local call |
市販品 | goods on the market |
市民生活 | civic life |
市民大会 | mass meeting |
自由市場 | free market |
都市銀行 | city bank, metropolitan bank |
都市交通 | urban transport, urban transit |
都市部 | urban areas |
市松模様 | checks, check (checkered, chequered) pattern, checkerboard |
オフショア市場 | offshore market |
コール市場 | call (money) market, call trading |
ヴァチカン市国 | Vatican City State |
為替市場 | exchange market |
外国為替市場 | foreign exchange market |
外部労働市場 | external labor market, external labour market |
市中肺炎 | community-acquired pneumonia |
ジャスダック市場 JASDAQ市場 | JASDAQ market |
求人市場 | job market |
強含み市況 | bull market |
強気市場 | bull market |
県内市外通話 | intraprefectural call |
現金取引市場 | spot market |
公債市場 | bond market |
広告市場 | advertising market |
国際金融市場 | international financial market |
市場可能性 | market potential |
市場開放 | market opening |
市場浸透 | market penetration |
市場喪失 | market loss |
市場調査機関 | market research organization, market research organisation |
市長村長選挙 | mayoral election |
市長町長選挙 | mayoral election |
市内通話料金 | intra-city telephone rate, local-call rate |
市販薬 | over-the-counter drug |
資本市場 | capital market |
自由市場経済 | free-market economy |