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師 : Expert
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expert, teacher, master, model, exemplar, army (incl. counter), war
のし のり もろ かず つかさ みつ もと
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 巾 (50) |
Usage Rating: | 563 |
Unicode: | 05e2b |
jis208: | 27-53 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
師 Usage examples
経師 | scroll mounter, picture framer |
経師屋 | scroll mounter, picture framer |
軽業師 | acrobat |
講釈師 | professional storyteller |
講談師 | professional storyteller |
弓師 | bow maker, bowyer |
業師 | tricky wrestler, shrewd fellow |
師の坊 | master priest |
釣り師 釣師 | Internet troll |
風師 | wind god |
香具師 | master perfume maker |
看護師 | (hospital) nurse, registered nurse, RN |
医師国家試験 | National Medical Practitioners Qualifying Examination |
花火師 | pyrotechnist, pyrotechnician |
奇術師 | conjurer, magician, juggler, illusionist |
殺陣師 立師 | sword fight scene choreographer |
振り付け師 振付け師 振付師 | choreographer |
整骨師 | osteopath |
専任講師 | full-time lecturer, instructor |
漫才師 | (one of) a comic duo |
無線技師 | radio (wireless) operator, radioman |
錬金術師 | alchemist |
師 | five-battalion brigade comprising 2500 men (Zhou-dynasty Chinese army), master |
衛生検査技師 | medical technologist |
空挺師団 | Airborne Division |
歯科医師国家資格試験 | National Dentistry Examination |
歩兵師団 | Infantry Division |
尊師 | holy master, guru |
大師範 | master, grandmaster, senior instructor |
開教師 | Buddhist missionary, esp. in Jodo, Pure Land, etc. sects, Buddhist minister (in the West) |
祈祷師 祈禱師 | medicine man, shaman, faith healer, witch doctor, exorcist |
建具師 | woodworker, joiner |
浮世絵師 | ukiyoe artist |
賭博師 | gambler, gamester |
投機師 | adventurer, speculator |
細工師 | craftsman, artisan |
御祖師様 | the Founder of the (our) sect (used especially in the Nichiren sect of Buddhism, referring to Nichiren) |
師資相承 | generation-to-generation instruction from master to disciple |
出前講師 | lecturer on demand, guest speaker on demand |
熱血教師 | enthusiastic schoolteacher |
アメリカ山法師 亜米利加山法師 | flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) |
山法師 | kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa), Japanese flowering dogwood |
利酒師 | master of sake, sake advisor |
マッサージ療法師 | massage therapist |
禅師 | monk, priest, particularly a high-ranking Zen monk honored by the imperial court |
マッサージ師 | masseuse, masseur |
按摩師 | masseuse, masseur |
獣医師 | veterinarian |