蚊の食うほどにも思わぬ 蚊の食う程にも思わぬ | untroubled, unworried, unaffected |
思い入る | to ponder, to contemplate |
思い及ぶ | to hit upon something |
思い合う | to love one another |
思い合わせる 思い合せる | to consider (all the circumstances), to bear (a number of things) in mind |
思い至る 思い到る | to realize, to realise, to hit upon something |
思い回す | to ponder, to recall |
思い定める | to be determined |
思い寄る | to feel the call of ..., to hit upon..., to occur to (one) |
思い設ける | to anticipate, to expect |
思いやる 思い遣る | to be considerate, to sympathize with, to sympathise with |
思いもよらない 思いも寄らない | unexpected, unforeseen, inconceivable |
思い煩う 思いわずらう | to worry about, to be vexed |
思案に暮れる | to be lost in thought |
思い出の記 | keepsake (not from a dead person) |
思い出話 | reminiscent talk |
思いを致す 思いをいたす | to think of |
楽しい思い出 | happy memory, sweet memory |
人のためを思う 人の為を思う | to wish someone well |
不思議な縁 | quirk of fate, curious coincidence, happy chance |
妙に思う | to think (something) strange |
科学思想 | scientific thought |
老荘思想 | philosophy of Lao-tse and Chuang-tse, Taoism |
無思慮 | thoughtlessness, indiscretion |
意思能力 | mental capacity |
意思決定過程 | decision-making process |
意思表示カード | donor card |
思想の自由 | freedom of thought |
思想的 | ideological |
思う壺にはまる 思う壷にはまる 思うつぼにはまる | to turn out just as one wished, to play into the hands (of) |
思し召す 思召す 思しめす 思し食す 思食す | to think (only used to speak of others), to have feelings for (only used to speak of others) |
思わしい | suitable, satisfactory, desirable |
思わしくない | disappointing, unsatisfactory, unsuitable |
思わぬ幸運 | godsend, big win |
思えてならない | cannot help feeling that, cannot help thinking that |
意思疎通 | (coming to a) mutual understanding, understanding each other |
思慮分別 | discrete and well-advised judgment, wise and mature judgment, making judgment with prudence |
熟思黙想 | considering (a matter) carefully and silently, being lost in silent contemplation |
画一思考 | uniformity of thought, uniform thinking |
柔軟思考 | a flexible way of thinking |
垂直思考 | rigid (stereotypical) thinking that adheres to preconceived notions |
世界思潮 | main currents (the trend) of thinking in the world |
成吉思汗鍋 | Japanese mutton and vegetable dish |
思いきや | contrary to expectations, or so we thought, but ... |
思いあぐねる | to think something over and over, to be at a loss |