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施 : Give
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give, bestow, perform, alms
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 方 (70) |
Usage Rating: | 323 |
Unicode: | 065bd |
jis208: | 27-60 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
施 Usage examples
厚生施設 | welfare facilities |
応急手当を施す 応急手当てを施す | to give (a person) first-aid, to administer first aid |
策を施す | to take measures |
施条 | rifling a gun barrel, making lines |
面目を施す | to get credit, to win honor, to win honour |
娯楽施設 | amusement (recreational) facilities |
施行規則 | enforcement regulations, misterial ordinance, regulations relative to the application of a law |
更正施設 | correctional facility |
施政方針演説 | policy speech |
保育施設 | child-rearing facility |
油田掘削施設 | oil rig |
託児施設 | child-minding facility |
川施餓鬼 | Buddhist services in memory of those drowned in a river, offering to suffering spirits at the river |
育児施設 | child care facilities |
老人保健施設 | rehabilitation facility for the elderly |
老健施設 | rehabilitation facility for the elderly |
施設庁 | facilities administration organization (defence, etc.) |
手の施しようがない | beyond help |
文化施設 | cultural facilities (art galleries, tea rooms, etc.) |
核施設 | nuclear facility |