老死 | die of old age |
牢死 | dying in prison |
早死に | premature death, untimely death, dying young |
犬死に | die in vain |
死に別れる | to be separated by death |
死に後れる 死に遅れる | to outlive |
死に絶える | to die out, to become extinct |
死に損なう | to fail to die, to survive, to outlive |
死の灰 | lethal radioactive fallout, atomic dust |
死して後已む 死してのちやむ 死してのち已む | to be determined to do or die, to never give up until one is dead |
死点 | dead point |
垂死 | on the verge of dying |
九死に一生を得る | to have a narrow escape from death |
死者を生かす | to revive the dead |
死軸 | dead axle |
死に掛かる 死にかかる | to be dying |
死に掛ける 死にかける | to be dying, to be about to die, to be close to death |
死ぬまで戦う 死ぬ迄戦う | to fight to the last (death) |
死魄 | waning moon |
死力を尽くす | to make frantic efforts |
死を悼む | to mourn over the death of |
生死の境 | between life and death |
窒死 | death from suffocation |
中毒死 | death from poisoning |
必死になって | desperately |
人を死に致す | to cause the death of a person |
無死 | baseball with no outs |
無死満塁 | bases are loaded with no outs |
死の商人 | merchant of death, arms dealer |
死活問題 | matter of life or death, life-and-death problem |
死亡記事 | obituary notice |
尊厳死 | death with dignity |
業務上過失致死 | professional negligence resulting in death |
死刑制度 | capital punishment |
死刑判決 | death sentence |
死亡給付金 | death benefit |
死亡証明書 | death certificate |
事故死 | accidental death |
致死注射 | lethal injection |
脳死判定 | declaration of brain death, determination of brain death, diagnosis of brain death |
幼児死亡率 | infant mortality rate |
幼児突然死症候群 | sudden infant death syndrome, SIDS |
死すべき | mortal |
溺れ死ぬ | to die by drowning, to drown |
死亡保障 | death benefit (from life insurance) |
畳の上で死ぬ | to die a natural death |
死屍累々 死屍累累 | heaps of corpses all around |
死中求活 | finding a way out of a potentially fatal situation, seeking a way out of a desperate situation |
生死流転 | all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth, the circle of transmigration |
生死輪廻 | all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth, the circle of transmigration |
生老病死 | the four inevitables in human life (birth, aging, sickness, and death) |