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私 : Private
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private, I, me
わたくし わたし
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 禾 (115) |
Usage Rating: | 242 |
Unicode: | 079c1 |
jis208: | 27-68 |
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私 Usage examples
私ども 私共 私供 | I, me, my store (business, etc.) |
私する | to act selfishly, to misappropriate, to appropriate, to embezzle |
私学の雄 | one of the leading private schools |
私娼窟 | brothel, house of ill repute, red-light district |
私等には | for the likes of me |
私の方では | on (for) my part (side) |
私も又 | me too, I also |
私も亦 | me too, I also |
私製葉書 私製はがき 私製ハガキ | unofficial postcard, private mailing card |
私設応援団 | private cheer group |
私立学校 | private school, non-government school |
私家版 | privately printed book, private (press) edition |
私消 | embezzlement (misappropriation) (of public funds) |
私設秘書 | private secretary |
私服警官 | plainclothes police officer |
私人間 | relations between individuals |
私 | I, me (used by elderly males) |
公私混同 | intermingling of public policy with private interest, mixing up official business with personal affairs |
私利私欲 | selfish desires |
私募 | private offering (of securities), private placement |
公正無私 | fair and impartial, just and unselfish |
私怨私欲 | personal grudges and selfish desires |
無欲無私 | unselfish and impartial (disinterested) |
私募ファンド | private placement fund |
私 | I (mainly used by working men), myself |
私年号 | era name selected by commoners (as opposed to the imperial court) |
私雨 | limited amount of rain which falls off to a certain region |
私立高校 | private high school |
私的 | my style, my way, my opinion |