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紙 : Paper
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Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 糸 (120) |
Usage Rating: | 559 |
Unicode: | 07d19 |
jis208: | 27-70 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
紙 Usage examples
生紙 | unsized paper |
硫酸紙 | parchment paper |
炭酸紙 | carbon paper |
昨紙 | yesterdays paper |
紙を破る | to tear (up) paper |
紙上計画 | paper plan |
抄紙 | papermaking, paper-making, paper making |
手紙を宛てる | to address (direct) a letter to a person |
手紙を添える | to attach a letter, to include a letter |
手紙を出す | to mail a letter |
凸凹紙 | embossed paper |
包装紙 | wrapping paper |
シルボン紙 | lens-cleaning paper |
印刷用紙 | printing paper |
応募用紙 | application form |
解答用紙 | answer sheet |
紙細工 | articles made out of paper (by hand), paperware |
紙吹雪 | confetti, ticker tape |
紙製品 | paper products |
申告用紙 | (filling in) return form |
製紙工場 | paper mill (factory) |
全国紙 | national paper, paper with a national circulation |
模造紙 | imitation Japanese vellum |
ざら紙 | pulp paper, rough (printing) paper |
罫紙 | ruled (lined) paper |
アート紙 | coated paper, art paper |
アンケート用紙 | questionnaire (form) |
アイボリー板紙 | ivory paper |
コート紙 | coated paper |
ノーカーボン紙 | non-carbon paper |
ハトロン紙 | kraft paper |
パラフィン紙 | paraffin paper |
ボンド紙 | bond paper |
ロール紙 | rolled paper |
塩化コバルト紙 | cobalt chloride paper |
華字紙 | Chinese newspaper |
巻取り紙 巻き取り紙 | rolled paper, roll of printing paper |
感熱紙 | heat-sensitive paper, thermal paper |
偽造紙幣 | fake bill |
手紙爆弾 | letter bomb |
プレ印刷用紙 | pre-printed forms |
再生紙 | recycled paper |
紙やすり 紙ヤスリ 紙鑢 | sandpaper, emery paper |
紙風船 | paper balloon |
力紙 | paper used in pre-bout rituals |
紙番付 | rankings written on paper |
通紙 | feeding paper through a device (printer, scanner, etc.) |
行政紙削減法 | Government Paperwork Elimination Act (USA) |
眼光紙背 | reading between the lines |
ボール紙 | cardboard, pasteboard |
仮名草紙 | early Edo-period book written entirely in kana or in a mixture of kana and kanji (primarily intended for women and children) |
白紙委任 | carte blanche, blank check, blank cheque, unconditional authority |
白紙還元 | being returned (sent back) to the drawing board |
白紙撤回 | complete revocation, total retraction |