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脂 : Fat
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fat, grease, tallow, lard, rosin, gum, tar
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 肉 (130) |
Usage Rating: | 1548 |
Unicode: | 08102 |
jis208: | 27-73 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
脂 Usage examples
脂ぎった | oily, greasy |
脂肪心 | fatty heart |
脂肪体 | corpus adiposum |
皮脂腺 | sebaceous gland |
皮脂 | sebum, sebaceous matter |
イオン交換樹脂 | ion exchange resin |
アクリル樹脂 | acrylic resin |
アルキド樹脂 | alkyd resin |
エポキシ樹脂 | epoxy resin |
シリコーン樹脂 | silicone resin |
スチレン樹脂 | styrene resin |
ビニル樹脂 | vinyl resin |
フェノール樹脂 | phenol resin |
ポリアミド樹脂 | polyamide resin |
メタクリル樹脂 | methacrylic resin |
メラミン樹脂 | melamine resin |
塩化ビニル樹脂 | polyvinyl chloride, PVC, vinyl chloride resin |
過酸化脂質 | fatty acid peroxides |
感光性樹脂 | photosensitive resin |
高脂血症 | hyperlipidaemia (hyperlipidemia, hyperlipemia), excessive fat in blood |
脂肪吸引 | liposuction |
体脂肪率 | body fat percentage |
還元脱脂乳 | reconstituted skim milk |
ポリエチレン樹脂 | polyethylene resin |
ユリア樹脂 | urea resin |
低脂肪 | low-fat |
低脂肪乳 | low-fat milk |
大麻樹脂 | cannabis resin |
トランス脂肪酸 | trans-fatty acid, trans-fatty acids, trans fat, trans fats |
脂取り紙 | oil-absorbent paper used cosmetically to absorb oil from (facial) skin |
脂ギッシュ | oily (of food) |
乳脂 | butterfat, cream |
脂肪肝 | fatty liver |
中性脂肪 | neutral fat, neutral lipid, triglyceride |