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詩 : Poem
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Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 言 (149) |
Usage Rating: | 1196 |
Unicode: | 08a69 |
jis208: | 27-77 |
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詩 Usage examples
田園詩 | pastoral poem |
田園詩人 | pastoral poet |
風物詩 | poem about natural scenery, poem about a particular season |
詩を作る | to compose a poem |
詩 | poem, verse of poetry |
交響詩 | symphonic poem |
伝承叙事詩 | oral epic |
詩歌管弦 | Chinese and Japanese poetry and instrumental music, poetry and music, literature and music |
詩人墨客 | poets and artists, persons who take delight in such refined pursuits as poetry, literature, painting, and calligraphy |
五言律詩 | poem of eight lines, each of five (Chinese) characters |
七言律詩 | poem of eight lines, each of seven (Chinese) characters |
詩的正義 | poetic justice, retributive justice |
詩的破格 | poetic license |
譚詩曲 | ballade |
答唱詩編 | responsorial psalm |
頌詩 | admired poem |