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資 : Assets
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assets, resources, capital, funds, data, be conducive to, contribute to
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Usage Rating: | 179 |
Unicode: | 08cc7 |
jis208: | 27-81 |
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資 Usage examples
流通資本 | circulating capital |
流動資本 | floating capital |
短資 | short-term loan |
省資源 | saving resources |
資格を備える | to have a qualification (for) |
資金を出す | to provide with funds, to fund, to advance some capital, to furnish with funds |
資本無し | without capital |
資を投ずる | to invest in |
生活の資 | means of living |
天与の資 | natural endowment, natural ability |
過剰投資 | overinvestment |
機関投資家 | institutional investor |
共同出資 | joint investment |
研究資料 | research material |
資金源 | source of funds (money) |
資源問題 | resources problem |
資産価値 | property (asset) value |
資本力 | capital strength (of an enterprise) |
資本論 | Das Kapital, Capital |
受験資格 | qualifications of candidacy for an examination |
先行投資 | prior investment |
不正融資 | fraudulent loans |
エネルギー資源 | energy resources |
ユニット型投資信託 | unit-type investment trust |
運転資本 | working capital |
学資保険 | educational endowment insurance |
株式投資信託 | stock investment trust |
海外直接投資 | foreign direct investment, FDI, direct overseas investment |
海外投資家 | overseas investor |
外国人投資家 | foreign investor |
株式投資 | equity investment |
株主資本利益率 | return on equity, ROE |
企業投資 | corporate spending |
金融資産 | financial asset |
銀行融資 | bank loan |
繰延税金資産 | deferred tax asset, DTA |
現金投資 | cash investment |
個人資産 | personal asset |
個人投資家 | individual investor |
公的資金 | public funds, public money |
在庫資金 | stock fund |
資金洗浄 | money laundering |
資金注入 | cash injection |
資金調達計画 | financing plan |
資産管理 | asset management, asset management provision |
資産担保証券 | asset-backed securities, ABS |
資産配分 | asset allocation |
資産保有会社 | asset holding company (esp. Commonwealth countries) |
資本関係 | capital ties |
資本基盤 | capital base |
資本構成 | capital structure |
資本再構成 | recapitalization, recapitalisation |
資本市場 | capital market |
資本支出 | capital outlay |
資本主義社会 | capitalist society |
資本提携 | capital tie-up, capital alliance, alliance with capital involvement |
資本投資 | capital investment |
資本逃避 | capital flight |
資本比率 | capital ratio |