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児 : Newborn babe
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newborn babe, child, young of animals
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 儿 (10) |
Usage Rating: | 679 |
Unicode: | 05150 |
jis208: | 27-89 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
児 Usage examples
欠食児童 | schoolchild without lunch |
流行児 | popular person |
良い児 | good boy, good girl |
風雲児 | lucky adventurer, adventurer who takes advantage of troubled times, soldier of fortune |
早生児 | premature baby |
早産児 | premature baby |
革命児 | man of revolutionary temperament |
熱血児 | hot-blooded man |
幼児殺し | infanticide |
育児書 | book on child-rearing |
シャム双生児 | Siamese twins |
育児ノイローゼ | maternity nerves, maternity neurosis |
育児嚢 | pouch (of a marsupial), marsupium |
仮性小児コレラ | infantile pseudocholera |
過熟児 | postmature infant |
結合双生児 | conjoined twins |
国連児童基金 | UNICEF |
児童虐待 | child abuse |
児童手当 | child-care allowance |
児童相談所 | child consultation center, child consultation centre |
児童売春 | child prostitution |
昼間託児所 | day-care center, day-care centre |
幼児死亡率 | infant mortality rate |
幼児突然死症候群 | sudden infant death syndrome, SIDS |
幼児虐殺 | Massacre of the Innocents, episode of infanticide by Herod that appears in the New Testament |
麒麟児 | child prodigy, wonder child |
託児施設 | child-minding facility |
知的障害児 | mentally-handicapped child |
金雀児 | common broom (Cytisus scoparius, Genista scoparia), Scotch broom, English broom |
育児休暇 | childcare leave, maternity leave |
育児施設 | child care facilities |
育児休業 | childcare leave, leave taken after the compulsory maternity leave |
虎穴に入らずんば虎児を得ず | nothing ventured, nothing gained |
幼稚園児 | kindergartener, pre-schooler |
生産児 | live birth, child born alive |
自閉症児 | autistic child |
心身障害児 | disabled child, physically handicapped child |
身障児 | disabled child, physically handicapped child |
身障児学級 | special class for handicapped children |
学習障害児 | learning disabled child |
学習困難児 | learning disabled child |
小児性愛 | paedophilia, pedophilia, pederosis |
兎児尾苗 | beach speedwell, Veronica Longifolia |
双児 | twins |
児童心理学者 | child psychologist |