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時 : Time
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Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 日 (72) |
Usage Rating: | 16 |
Unicode: | 06642 |
jis208: | 27-94 |
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時 Usage examples
短時日 | short period of time |
丑三つ時 | dead of night, middle of the night, midnight |
男持ちの時計 | gentlemens watches |
銀側の時計 | silver watch |
小一時間 | nearly one hour |
九つ時 | noon, midnight |
質流れの時計 | unredeemed (pawned) watch |
終業時間 | closing hour |
出願時 | (at the) time of application |
食事時 | mealtime |
所要時間を計る | to calculate the time required |
時間がかかる 時間が掛かる | to take time |
時間の許す限り | as long as time allows, whenever one has the time, as time permits |
時間割りを直す | to alter the schedule |
時間を空ける | to make oneself available (free) |
時間を惜しむ | to value time |
時間を掛ける 時間をかける | to spend time (on doing something) |
時間を稼ぐ | to gain time |
時間を割く 時間をさく | to spare time (for) |
時局柄 | in view of the present situation |
時習 | periodic reviewing |
時事論 | comments on current events |
時節柄の贈り物 | seasonable gift |
時代と共に歩む | to move along with the times |
時代の弊 | abuses of the times |
時流に乗って泳ぐ | to swim with the current |
少ない時間 | limited time |
昔時 | old times, former times |
戦時下 | in times of war |
戦争の時 | times of war |
昼食時 | lunch time |
適時打 | timely hit |
時と場合によって | should time and circumstances permit |
時を待つ | to wait for a favorable chance, to wait for a favourable chance |
子の時 | midnight |
寝る時間 | bedtime |
延べ時間 | total man-hours, total hours |
花見時 | (cherry) blossom season |
秒時計 | stop watch |
法と時制 | mood and tense |
法と時 | mood and tense |
瞬時獲得モデル | instantaneous acquisition model |
群伝搬時間 | group delay (in fibre optics, fiber optics) |
時を刻む | to mark the passage of time, to let (feel) time pass |
勤務時間 | office (business, working) hours |
銀時計 | silver watch |
原子力時代 | atomic age |
現地時間 | local time |
古墳時代 | Kofun period (of Japanese history, 250-538 CE), Tumulus period |
航続時間 | duration of a cruise (flight), endurance |
作業時間 | working hours |
時事問題 | current question, current topics |
時代考証 | background research, research into the period |
時分時 | mealtime |
自由時間 | free time, time at leisure |
実時間処理 | real-time operation |
授業時間 | school hours, hours of teaching (instruction) |