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実 : Reality
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reality, truth
み みの.る まこと みの みち.る
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 宀 (40) |
Usage Rating: | 68 |
Unicode: | 05b9f |
jis208: | 28-34 |
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実 Usage examples
老実 | loyalty, fidelity |
実しやかに | as if it were true, with seeming truth, plausibly |
熟れた果実 | ripe fruit, mellow fruit |
華を去り実に就く | to seek results, not show, to discard the flower for the fruit |
虚虚実実の戦い 虚々実々の戦い | match between persons equal in shrewdness |
真実を語る | to speak the truth |
事実に照らして | in view of the facts |
事実を調べる | to investigate the facts |
事実を曲げる | to falsify a fact |
実車 | full-scale car (vs model) |
実数体 | real number field |
実関数 | real variable function |
実のある 実の有る | faithful, sincere |
実物描写 | model drawing |
実名詞 | noun substantive |
確かな事実 | established (certain) fact |
梨の実 | pear |
稔実不良 | poor crop (of rice) |
法と実 | divisor and dividend |
実のある 実の有る | solid, substantial, substantive |
実を結ぶ | to bear fruit |
名実ともに 名実共に | both in name and reality, both in name and substance |
綿実 棉実 | cottonseed |
綿の実 | cotton seed |
実験値 | test results |
言語学的実在論 | linguistic realism |
事実誤認 | mistake of fact |
実業界 | business world, business circles |
実験材料 | material for experiments, experimental material |
実験場 | proving ground, test site |
実験心理学 | experimental psychology |
実験装置 | experimental device, experimental equipment |
実験段階 | experimental stage, experimental phase |
実験動物 | laboratory animal, experimental animal |
実行委員会 | executive committee |
実際性 | practicality |
実際問題 | practical question (problem), practical matter |
実時間処理 | real-time operation |
実質賃金 | real wages |
実勢価格 | market price |
実体鏡 | stereoscope |
実物大模型 | full-size model, mock-up |
真実味 | truth (veracity, authenticity) (e.g. of a report) |
忠実度 | fidelity |
動物実験 | experiments on animals |
実定法 | positive law (i.e. law made by humans) |
実包 | ball cartridge |
花も実も有る 花も実もある | to have both the looks and the substance, to be a compassionate and just person, to be interesting and instructive |
実験結果 | experimental results |
実親 | biological parent |
自動実行 | self-executing (computer file) |
会計実務 | accounting practice |
事実関係 | all facts (of a case) |