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射 : Shoot
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shoot, shine into, onto, archery
い.る さ.す う.つ
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 寸 (41) |
Usage Rating: | 937 |
Unicode: | 05c04 |
jis208: | 28-45 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
射 Usage examples
熱射病 | heatstroke |
射返す | to return fire, to shoot back |
射殺す | to shoot a person to death |
射通す | to pierce, to penetrate |
射掛ける 射かける | to shoot or fire off an arrow |
射落とす | to shoot down, to win, to gain |
射竦める | to pin the enemy down, to glare another down (and render impotent) |
射損なう | to shoot and miss |
照射野 | irradiation field (of X-rays) |
直射日光 | direct sunlight, direct rays of the sun |
斜め入射 | oblique incidence |
反射誤差 | reflection error |
反射減衰量 | return loss |
反射係数線図 | reflection coefficient chart |
反射係数 | reflection coefficient |
投射原理 | projection principle |
反射的半順序 | reflexive partial ordering |
魚雷発射管 | torpedo tube |
対空射撃 | anti-aircraft fire, shooting at an aircraft (from ground or ship) |
反射角 | angle of reflection |
反射光 | reflected light |
反射神経 | reflexes |
放射性降下物 | radioactive fallout |
輻射線 | radiation, radiant rays |
輻射熱 | radiant heat, photothermal |
コバルト照射療法 | cobalt radiation therapy |
シンクロトロン放射 | synchrotron radiation |
スキート射撃 | skeet shooting |
トラップ射撃 | trap shooting |
ライフル射撃競技 | rifle-shooting competition, rifle-shooting contest |
宇宙背景放射 | cosmic background radiation |
角膜反射 | corneal reflex |
警告射撃 | warning shot |
国際放射線防護委員会 | International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP |
致死注射 | lethal injection |
反射療法 | reflexology |
放射線医学 | radiology |
放射線治療 | radiation therapy |
放射線被曝 | radiation exposure |
放射能攻撃 | radiological attack |
放射能漏れ | radiation leakage |
陽電子放射断層撮影 | positron emission tomography, PET |
射し込む | to shine in (light), to illuminate |
噴射式 | injection device, spray |
掩護射撃 援護射撃 | supporting (backing up) someone (in a debate or argument) |
放射角 | radiation angle |
脊髄反射 | spinal reflex |
放射光 | synchrotron radiation |
ロケット弾発射機 | rocket launcher |
高射機関砲 | anti-aircraft gun |
散乱反射 | scatter reflections |
咽頭反射 | gag reflex |
姿勢反射 | postural reflex |
反射波 | reflected wave, rebounded wave, echo |
アキレス腱反射 | Achilles tendon reflex |
診療放射線技師 | medical radiographer, radiological technologist |