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者 : Someone
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Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 老 (125) |
Usage Rating: | 38 |
Unicode: | 08005 |
jis208: | 28-52 |
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者 Usage examples
生産者価格 | producer price |
生還者 | survivor |
然る者 さる者 | that sort of person, that kind of person, someone not to be taken lightly, person of no common order |
嫌疑者 | suspect |
欠席者 | absentee |
欠勤者 | absentee |
講演者 | lecturer, speaker |
購買者 | buyer |
購読者 | subscriber, reader, buyer |
好打者 | good batter |
立て役者 立役者 | leading actor, person who acts as driving force behind something, key figure, leading spirit, central figure |
立者 | leading figure, leader |
立案者 | planner |
旅役者 | itinerant entertainer or troupe |
痴れ者 | fool, dunce, idiot |
医者に掛ける 医者にかける | to entrust to a doctor (for treatment) |
医者を呼ぶ | to call the doctor |
応召者 | draftee, draughtee |
鬼武者 | daredevil warrior |
掛かり付けの医者 | family physician (doctor) |
患者を入れる | to admit a patient |
学者振る | to be pedantic, to assume the air of a scholar |
側の者 | people around one |
芸者を上げる | to call in a geisha |
候補者を立てる | to put up a candidate |
在郷者 | rustic, countryman |
死者を生かす | to revive the dead |
生者 | living person, the living |
消費者側 | consumers side |
身障者 | disabled person, physically handicapped person |
殉難者 | victim, martyr |
女流文学者 | female writer, woman writer |
専従者 | full-time worker |
壮者を凌ぐ | to put young men to shame |
読者の声 | readers voice |
傍の者達 | onlookers, bystanders |
同性愛者 | homosexual (person) |
母語話者 | native speaker |
利害関係者 | interested parties, persons concerned, stakeholder |
愛他主義者 | altruist |
愛用者 | regular user, person who favors (favours) (something) |
医学者 | medical scientist |
運動者 | activist (in a political movement) |
演奏者 | performer, player |
改宗者 | convert (e.g. to Buddhism) |
開拓者精神 | pioneering spirit |
監修者 | general (supervising) editor, editor-in-chief |
観測者 | observer |
技能者 | technician |
共著者 | collaborator, coauthor, joint author |
共訳者 | joint translators |
契約者 | party to a contract, subscriber, policy owner (insurance) |
憲法学者 | constitutional scholar (lawyer), expert in constitutional law |