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邪 : Wicked
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Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 牙 (92) |
Usage Rating: | 1612 |
Unicode: | 090aa |
jis208: | 28-57 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
邪 Usage examples
風邪気味 | slight cold, bit of a cold, touch of a cold, lingering cold |
風邪を引いている | to have a cold |
風邪による発熱 風邪に因る発熱 | fever caused by a cold |
風邪の気 | signs of a cold |
風邪を移す | to give a cold (to someone) |
風邪を治す | to cure a cold |
邪飛 | foul fly |
正邪の区別 | discrimination between right and wrong |
邪まな心 | evil heart |
悪い風邪 わるい風邪 | bad cold |
スペイン風邪 | Spanish influenza, Spanish flu |
アジア風邪 | Asian influenza, Asian flu |
お邪魔虫 御邪魔虫 | someone who gets in the way without serving any useful purpose, fly in the ointment, buttinsky, third wheel |
異端邪説 | heretical doctrine (thought, faith) |
奸佞邪知 奸佞邪智 | wiles and cunning, craftiness and treachery |
淫祠邪教 | evil heresies |
邪正一如 | Wrong and right are but two faces of the same coin |
正邪曲直 | right and (or) wrong |
正邪善悪 | right and (or) wrong |
邪馬台国 | Yamataikoku, historical Japanese state thought to have existed during the late Yayoi period |