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借 : Borrow
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Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 932 |
Unicode: | 0501f |
jis208: | 28-58 |
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借 Usage examples
猫の手も借りたい | extremely busy, so busy one would even welcome the help of a cat |
仮借無き | merciless(ly) |
借金が嵩む 借金がかさむ | to get deeper in debt, to pile up debts |
借金で苦しむ | to be distressed with debts |
借金のかた 借金の形 | security for a loan |
賃借人 | hirer, lessee, leaseholder |
転貸借 | subletting and subleasing |
借金で首が回らない 借金で首がまわらない | deep in debt |
借株 | rented coaching stock |
胸を借りる | to be allowed to practice with a partner of higher skill (esp. in sumo) |
借入 | borrowing |
借景 | making use of the surrounding landscape as a part of the design of a garden, natural scenery used as the background in the landscaping of a garden |