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主 : Lord
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lord, chief, master, main thing, principal
ぬし おも あるじ
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 丶 (3) |
Usage Rating: | 95 |
Unicode: | 04e3b |
jis208: | 28-71 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
主 Usage examples
生臭坊主 | degenerate monk, corrupt priest |
経験主義 | judging things from personal experience |
構造主義 | structuralism |
立憲主義 | constitutionalism |
立憲君主 | constitutional monarch |
立憲君主政体 立憲君主制体 | constitutional monarchy |
楽観主義 | optimism |
一家の主 | master of the household |
落とし主 落し主 | loser, owner of a lost article |
会社の主 | great old-timer of the firm |
主傘 | main parachute |
主述 | subject and predicate |
主節 | principal clause |
主控え | mainstay |
主役から降ろす | to relieve someone of the leading role |
小主観 | small ego |
商店主 | storekeeper, proprietor of a shop |
是是非非主義 | principle of being fair and just, fair and unbiased policy (unbiassed) |
勿れ主義の道徳 | negative virtues |
拝金主義の塊 拝金主義の固まり | money-worshiper |
汎アメリカ主義 | Pan-Americanism |
万軍の主 | Lord of hosts |
坊の主 | master of the priests quarters |
唯物主義 | materialism |
主応力 | principal stress |
主働土圧係数 | coefficient of active earth pressure |
主信号 | main signal, traffic signal |
主要諸元 | salient points |
暗黙の主語 | understood subject |
意味上の主語 | sense subject |
音節主音 | syllabic |
音節主音的子音 | syllabic consonant |
主語助動詞倒置 | subject-auxiliary inversion |
主辞駆動句構造文法 | head-driven phrase structure grammar, HPSG |
主辞素性規約 | head feature convention, HFC |
主辞素性原理 | head feature principle, HFP |
主要部 | head |
主要部終端型 | head-final |
主要部先導型 | head-initial |
心理主義 | psychologism |
愛他主義者 | altruist |
営利主義 | commercialism |
機能主義 | functionalism |
議会主義 | parliamentarism |
構成主義 | constructivism |
鎖国主義 | (national) isolationism, isolation policy |
自己主張 | self-assertion |
自由主義経済 | free economy |
主任教授 | chairperson (head) (of the department of psychology) |
社会民主党 | Social Democratic Party |
精神主義 | spiritualism, idealism |