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狩 : Hunt
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hunt, raid, gather
か.る か.り -が.り
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 犭 (94) |
Usage Rating: | 1785 |
Unicode: | 072e9 |
jis208: | 28-77 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
狩 Usage examples
紅葉狩り 紅葉狩 | autumn-leaf viewing, fall-leaf viewing |
狩り集める 狩集める | to round up, to gather, to muster, to mobilize, to mobilise |
狩りに行く | to go hunting |
葡萄狩り | grape picking |
暴力団狩り | roundup of gangsters |
言葉狩り | word-hunting, search for and censorship of politically incorrect words |
石狩鍋 | Ishikari stew, salmon stew, salmon and vegetable stew with miso and butter |
おやじ狩り | street violence against middle-aged men |