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種 : Species
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species, kind, class, variety, seed
おい くさ た ほ
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 禾 (115) |
Usage Rating: | 461 |
Unicode: | 07a2e |
jis208: | 28-79 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
種 Usage examples
燃え種 | kindling |
異種交配 | crossbreeding |
食人種 | cannibals |
白人種 | white race |
白色人種 | white race, Caucasians |
短毛種 | short-haired |
癪の種 しゃくの種 | irritant, cause of irritation, cause of annoyance |
種概念 | logic species |
乙種 | B-grade, second-class |
種の起原 | On the Origin of Species (Charles Darwin, 1859), The Origin of Species |
第3種郵便物 第三種郵便物 | third-class mail matter, (item sent by) third-class mail |
悩みの種 | cause of annoyance |
話の種 | topic of conversation |
丙種 | C-grade, third-class |
異人種 | alien (different) race |
種籾 種もみ | seed rice |
アルペン種目 | Alpine events, Alpine sports |
アバディーンアンガス種 | Aberdeen Angus (type of cattle) |
サラブレッド種 | thoroughbred |
パン種 | leavening agent (e.g. yeast) |
ペルシュロン種 | Percheron |
遺存種 | relict |
一遺伝子雑種 | monohybrid |
核種 | nuclide |
異種移植 | xenotransplant, heterograft, heteroplastic transplantation, heteroplasty, heterotransplantation |
絶滅危惧種 | endangered species |
人種隔離 | racial segregation, apartheid |
絶滅種 | extinct species |
珍種 | rare species |
数種 | several varieties, poly- |
各種各様 | individual (different) ways of doing things, being different (varied) for each item (type) |
千種万様 | an infinite variety, multifarious, being extremely varied and wide-ranging |
多種多面 | wide-ranging and diverse, multifarious |
特種記者 | scoop reporter, scoop artist |
種子島 種が島 | matchlock, arquebus, harquebus |
ノルディック種目 | Nordic event (in skiing) |
一代雑種 | F1 hybrid, first filial hybrid, first cross |
交雑種 | hybrid, crossbreed, cross |
種をまく 種を蒔く 種を撒く 種を播く | to sow seeds |
固有種 | endemic species |
球種 | type of pitch |
種牡馬 | stallion (e.g. in horse breeding) |
ある種 或る種 | certain, some kind of, some sort of, of sorts |
柿の種 | spicy baked or fried mochi chips in this shape |
予防接種法 | Preventive Vaccination Law |
外来種 | introduced (non-native) species |
人種主義 | racism |
同種移植 | allograft |
種類豊富 | rich in variety, diverse, wide-ranging, multifarious |
植物種属 | botanical genus |
苦は楽の種 | one cannot have pleasure without pain, no pain, no gain |