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趣 : Purport
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purport, gist, elegance, interest, proceed to, tend, become
おもむき おもむ.く
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 走 (156) |
Usage Rating: | 1153 |
Unicode: | 08da3 |
jis208: | 28-81 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
趣 Usage examples
風趣 | elegance |
異趣 | extraordinary appearance |
趣が添う | to add color to, to add colour to |
趣の有る 趣のある | zestful, tasteful, elegant |
三悪趣 | the world of hungry spirits and the world of animals, three evil worlds hell |
趣向を凝らす | to elaborate a plan |
盛大に趣く | to grow in prosperity |
俗趣 | vulgar taste |
設立趣意書 | prospectus |
意趣晴らし | revenge |
画趣 | picturesqueness |
懐古趣味 | nostalgia for the good old days, retro-culture |
異国趣味 | taste for the exotic, infatuation with a foreign way of life, exoticism |
意趣遺恨 | grudge, spite, malice, rancor |
鍵穴趣味 | voyeurism |
偽悪趣味 | propensity to put oneself in as bad a light as possible, being prone to act bad |
衒学趣味 | pedantry, being of a pedantic disposition |
韜晦趣味 | propensity to efface oneself |
成金趣味 | the ostentation (bad taste) of the nuveau riche, air of vulgar prosperity |
露悪趣味 | pretending to be worse than one really is |