貿易外収支 | invisible trade balance |
収まり | conclusion, end, settlement |
収獲 | (good) result, game |
収集魔 | collecting maniac |
勝利を収める | to gain a victory, to win |
純収入 | net revenue |
成果を収める | to achieve success |
矛を収める 戈を収める | to lay down arms, to bury the hatchet |
暴動を収める | to quell a disturbance |
丸く収まる | to settle peacefully, to work out peacefully, to come to an amicable solution, to become reconciled |
領収書の控え | counterfoil of a receipt |
吸収力 | absorbing power |
現金収入 | (having) a cash income |
広告収入 | advertising revenue |
収益金 | proceeds, earnings |
収益率 | earning rate, rate of return, price-earnings ratio, profitability, profit margin |
収集家 | collector |
税収入 | tax revenue, tax revenues |
移転収支 | balance of transfer account |
株価収益率 | price-earnings ratio, PER |
斡旋収賄 | influence peddling |
企業収益 | corporate earnings, corporate profits |
四半期収益 | quarterly earnings |
四半期収益発表 | quarterly earnings announcement |
収益基盤 | revenue base |
収益性 | profitability |
収益成長率 | revenue growth rate |
収益報告 | earnings report |
収支報告 | earnings call |
収入機会 | revenue opportunity |
情報収集 | intelligence gathering, information gathering |
情報収集衛星 | information-gathering satellite |
製品回収 | recall (of goods), product recall |
税引き前収益 | pretax profit |
敵対的企業買収 | hostile buyout |
特許収入 | patent income |
平均月収 | average monthly salary |
検収 | acceptance inspection, collating, receipt and inspection |
経常収益 | ordinary revenue, recurring income, income before tax |
直接収容 | dedicated line (e.g. phone service) |
直収 | dedicated line (e.g. phone service) |
人心収攬 | winning the hearts of the people, capturing public sentiment |
買収工作 | bribery scheme, acquisition maneuver |
敵対的買収 | hostile takeover |
収入金額 | total receipts, income amount |
廃品回収業 | waste management (garbage collection) industry |
廃品回収業者 | garbage man, garbage collector |
収蔵庫 | storage room |
収納室 | storage room, closet |
収納庫 | closet, (storage) shed |
収集品 | collectibles |
吸収性 | absorbability, absorbency |
収まりがつかない | getting nowhere, becoming uncontrollable, getting out of hand, remaining unsatisfied |
吸収体 | absorbent |
収縮期 | systole |
源泉徴収票 | tax certificate slip, statement of earnings, tax-income certificate |
企業買収 | corporate acquisition (buyout) |
収支決算 | settling a balance |
増収増益 | increase in income and profit |