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宗 : Religion
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religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence
かず し そ そお たか とし のり ひろ むな もと よし
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 宀 (40) |
Usage Rating: | 997 |
Unicode: | 05b97 |
jis208: | 29-01 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
宗 Usage examples
倶舎宗 | Kusha Sect |
真宗大谷派 | Otani sect of Shinshu |
天台宗 | Tendai sect (of Buddhism) |
我宗の徒 | believer of my denomination |
改宗者 | convert (e.g. to Buddhism) |
宗教教育 宗教々育 | religious education |
宗 | sect |
無宗教 | secular, without (official) religion |
無宗教国 無宗教の国 | secular country |
臨済宗 | Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism |
黄檗宗 | Ōbaku school of Zen Buddhism |
宗教色 | religious atmosphere |
宗教対立 | religious opposition, religious conflict, religious antagonism |
宗教法 | religious law |
世界宗教 | (major) world religion (i.e. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam) |
世界宗教者平和会議 | World Conference of Religions for Peace |
曹洞宗 | Soto school (of Zen Buddhism) |
新宗教 | new religion |
日蓮宗 | Nichiren school of Buddhism |
宗教差別 | religious discrimination |
助宗鱈 | walleye pollack, Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) |