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就 : Concerning
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concerning, settle, take position, depart, study, per
つ.く つ.ける
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 尢 (43) |
Usage Rating: | 624 |
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就 Usage examples
寝に就く | to go to bed |
床に就く | to go to bed, to be sick in bed, to be laid up |
就いて | about, concerning, as to, regarding |
華を去り実に就く | to seek results, not show, to discard the flower for the fruit |
官に就く | to enter the government service |
帰国の途に就く | to leave for home |
緒に就く | to be started, to get underway |
職に就く | to take up employment |
先生に就く | to study under (a teacher) |
役に就く | to be appointed to a post, to assume office |
役に就ける | to place someone in a position |
就業時間中 | during working hours |
就職活動 | job hunting, job searching |
就職情報誌 | job-placement journal (magazine) |
就職率 | employment rate |
就業者 | employed person |
再就職支援 | outplacement |
就業機会 | job opportunity |
心願成就 | earnest prayers being answered |
満願成就 | fulfilment of a vow |
就活 | job hunting, job searching |
進退去就 | deciding what to do with oneself, whether staying in the present position or leaving it |
本懐成就 | realization of a great ambition |
就き | concerning, per, on account of |
再就職 | reemployment |
就職指導 | career counseling (counselling) |