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終 : End
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end, finish
お.わる -お.わる おわ.る お.える つい つい.に
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 糸 (120) |
Usage Rating: | 256 |
Unicode: | 07d42 |
jis208: | 29-10 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
終 Usage examples
終わり頃 | toward the end |
終業時間 | closing hour |
読み終わる 読み終る | to finish reading, to read through |
主要部終端型 | head-final |
最終案 | final program (programme, plan) |
最終結果 | end result |
終身会員 | life member |
終夜運転 | all-night service |
最終弁論 | closing argument, closing statement |
終身雇用 | lifetime employment, permanent employment |
終ぞ | never, not at all |
終バス | last bus |
最終章 | last chapter (book, etc.) |
最終更新 | last-update(d) |
終了日 | end date |
言い終わる 言終わる | to finish speaking |
無事終了 | ending without incident, being successfully brought to completion, finishing something without a hitch |
無始無終 | everlastingness, eternity |
終助詞 | sentence-ending particle (yo, ne, kashi, etc.) |
終筆 | end of a brush-stroke |
終劇 | end of a play |
徒労に終わる | to end in vain, to be wasted effort |
冷戦終結 | the end of the Cold War |
終身雇用制度 | (Japanese) system of lifetime employment |
終止符を打つ | put an end (to), close the books (on) |