雲集 | swarm, throng |
呼び集める | to call together, to convene |
駆り集める 駆集める 狩り集める 狩集める | to round up, to gather, to muster, to mobilize, to mobilise |
切手集め | stamp collecting |
収集魔 | collecting maniac |
集合記述 | set description |
符号化文字集合 | coded character set, code |
記念論文集 | collection of essays contributed in celebration of something, festschrift |
収集家 | collector |
集合時間 | time appointed for meeting (assembling), time one is supposed to meet |
集合場所 | meeting place, rendezvous (point), roll-call (assembly) point, appointed (designated) place |
集団行動 | group (collective) action, collective behavior, collective behaviour |
集団生活 | living in a group, communal living, community life |
集中攻撃 | (making, launching) concentrated attack (on, against) |
集中講義 | closely-packed series of lectures, intensive course |
集中力 | (powers of) concentration, ability to concentrate |
小品集 | collection of literary sketches, sketch book |
随筆集 隨筆集 | collection of essays (miscellaneous writings, literary jottings, etc.) |
短期集中講座 | short, intensive course |
短編集 | collection of short stories, collected short stories |
編集局 | editorial office, editorial department, editorial board |
編集主幹 | editor-in-chief |
有限集合 | finite set |
集束 | focusing (e.g. light), convergence |
補集合 | complementary set, complement |
集 | collection, compilation |
可付番集合 | denumerable set, countable set |
血小板凝集 | platelet aggregation, thrombocyte |
集団的自衛権 | right to collective defense, right to collective defence |
情報収集 | intelligence gathering, information gathering |
情報収集衛星 | information-gathering satellite |
選挙集会 | campaign rally |
党員集会 | caucus |
労働者集会 | labor rally, labour rally |
一極集中 | heavy concentration, overconcentration |
仲間集団圧力 | group pressure, peer pressure |
総集編 | highlights, summary, compilation |
雲集霧散 | (many things) gathering like clouds and vanishing like mist, swarming and scattering |
縁故募集 | private (stock) offering (subscription) |
離散集合 | meeting and parting, gathering and scattering, alignment and realignment, alternating alliance and rupture, alternating cooperation and defection |
辞書編集 | lexicography |
集中日 | day on which many companies hold shareholders meetings (to limit disruption by would-be blackmailers) |
集め始める | to begin to catch (attention, etc.), to begin to collect |
集客 | attracting customers |
集客力 | ability to attract customers |
集め | collecting, assembling |
集学的治療 | multidisciplinary therapy |
集客交流 | hospitality (industry) |
収集品 | collectibles |
密集方陣 | phalanx |
集団登校 | going to school in groups |
過去問題集 | past (exam) question collection |
集合知 | wisdom of crowds |
集団感染 | mass infection |
集団発生 | mass outbreak (of a disease) |
集団思考 | groupthink |