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充 : Allot
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allot, fill
あ.てる み.たす
あつ のぶ まさ みち みつ よし
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 儿 (10) |
Usage Rating: | 949 |
Unicode: | 05145 |
jis208: | 29-28 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
充 Usage examples
条件を充たす | to meet the requirements, to satisfy the conditions |
やる気充分 遣る気充分 | sufficiently motivated (to do something) |
汗牛充棟 | (having, there being) a great number of books |
充満る | to be full to the brim |
充つ | to mature, to expire |
充電池 | rechargable battery |
ホルモン補充療法 | hormone replacement therapy |