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獣 : Animal
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animal, beast
けもの けだもの
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 犭 (94) |
Usage Rating: | 1714 |
Unicode: | 07363 |
jis208: | 29-35 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
獣 Usage examples
獣偏 | kanji "dog" or "animal" radical at left |
害獣 | harmful animal |
四神獣 | four divine beasts, guardian deities of the four cardinal points |
聖獣 | sacred beast |
奥山放獣 | relocation of wild animals to a remote location |
獣毛 | animal hair |
獣人 | (fictional) fusion of human and animal, therianthrope, furry, human beast |
獣医師 | veterinarian |
人獣共通感染症 | zoonosis (disease transmissible from animals to humans or vice versa) |