度重なる | to repeat, to be frequent |
重い罪 | serious crime, grave crime |
重い任務 | important task |
重く用いる | to give an important position |
回を重ねる | to advance (as of a baseball game), to repeat |
校を重ねる | to proofread again and again |
伍を重ねる | to double the ranks |
重液分離 | heavy media (liquid) separation |
重灰 | dense ash |
重工 | heavy industry |
重層的 | stratified, multilayered |
重炭酸ソーダ | baking soda, sodium bicarbonate |
重盗 | double steal |
重爆 | heavy bomber |
重変 | double flat |
体重が増える | to gain weight |
天重 | box lunch with tempura |
度を重ねる | to repeat |
杯を重ねる | to have one cup of sake after another |
泊を重ねる | to stay long |
厘毛の軽重無し | equal in weight, equal in significance |
単位体積重量 | unit weight |
弦楽四重奏団 | string quartet |
重圧感 | feeling of oppression |
重大問題 | serious (vital) question, a grave issue, a matter of grave concern |
重要事項 | important matter, matters of weight |
重要人物 | important person, strategic person, key figure |
重量級 | heavyweight class |
多重人格 | multiple personality, split personality |
二重丸 | double circle |
重し 重石 | weight (as used in balances) |
キログラム重 | kilogram-weight, kilogramme-weight |
グラム重 | gram-weight |
一重まぶた 一重瞼 | single-edged eyelid, eyelid with an epicanthic fold, upper eyelid with no fold |
荷重 | burden of responsibility, heavy duty |
灰重石 | scheelite |
最も重要 | most important, central, matters most, overriding, top |
重症急性呼吸器症候群 | severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS |
自動車重量税 | automobile weight tax |
重厚長大産業 | smokestack industry |
重大犯罪 | serious crime, felony |
全二重通信 | full duplex transmission, full duplex communication |
体重管理 | weight control |
半二重通信 半2重通信 | half-duplex transmission, half-duplex communications |
二重基準 | double standards, dual criteria |
重軽傷 | major or minor injuries |
稍重 | slightly heavy (esp. horse-racing track) |
隠忍自重 | (behaving with) patience and prudence, putting up with something |
慎重居士 | very cautious person, very prudent person, very discreet person |
巻土重来 捲土重来 けん土重来 | making another attempt with redoubled efforts |
慇懃丁重 | polite and courteous |