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運 : Carry
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carry, luck, destiny, fate, lot, transport, progress, advance
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 辵 (162) |
Usage Rating: | 255 |
Unicode: | 0904b |
jis208: | 17-31 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
運 Usage examples
呼吸運動 | respiratory movement |
運が向く | to be in lucks way |
運痴 | having slow reflexes, bad at sports, unathletic person |
運賃込みで | freight included (prepaid) |
運動領 | motor area |
運に任せる | to trust to luck |
運を天に任せる | to leave to chance |
亨運 | prosperity |
事を運ぶ ことを運ぶ | to go ahead, to proceed, to carry on |
日運動 | daily motion |
言語運用 | (linguistic) performance |
愛国運動 | patriotic movement |
運転技術 | driving skill |
運転系統 | (bus) route |
運動者 | activist (in a political movement) |
運動家 | athlete |
嫌煙運動 | anti-smoking campaign |
終夜運転 | all-night service |
準備運動 | warming (limbering) up, warming-up exercises |
旋回運動 | gyrating (rotating) movement |
単線運転 | single-track operation |
特別運賃 | special rate |
排外運動 | anti-foreign movement |
腹筋運動 | sit-ups |
暴走運転 | reckless driving |
議院運営委員長 | House Steering Committee Chairman |
強運 | good luck, very lucky |
アーツアンドクラフツ運動 アーツ・アンド・クラフツ運動 | Arts and Crafts Movement |
スエズ運河 | Suez Canal |
ブラウン運動 | Brownian motion |
リズム運動 | rhythmic exercises |
運賃保険 | insurance on freight |
運転資本 | working capital |
運動の法則 | laws of motion |
運動エネルギー | kinetic energy |
運動学 | kinematics, kinesiology |
運動失調症 | motor ataxia |
運動障害 | dyskinesia, motor impairment, motor disturbance |
運動星団 | moving cluster |
運動摩擦 | kinetic friction |
運動療法 | therapeutic exercise |
運動量保存の法則 | law of conservation of momentum |
運搬作用 | transportation |
航空運賃 | airfare |
運動ニューロン疾患 | motor neurone disease, MND |
運動生理学 | exercise physiology |
経済運営 | economic management |
衆議院運営委員会 | House of Representatives Steering Committee |
政治運動 | political campaign |
選挙運動資金 | campaign fund |
運営上 | operational |
思わぬ幸運 | godsend, big win |
足運び | characteristic way of moving, keeping the center of gravity low (centre), manner of walking, footwork (e.g. in sport) |
運び足 | walking with bent knees to strengthen thighs and improve balance |
武運長久 | continued luck in the fortunes of war |
運命づける 運命付ける | to preordain |
遅発性運動異常 | tardive dyskinesia |