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銃 : Gun
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Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 金 (167) |
Usage Rating: | 1013 |
Unicode: | 09283 |
jis208: | 29-38 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
銃 Usage examples
ライフル銃 | rifle |
銃の筒 | barrel of a gun |
銃を構えて | ready with a rifle leveled |
他の式の銃 | another type of gun |
鋲打ち銃 | rivet gun |
カービン銃 | carbine |
ガス銃 | gas gun, tear gas gun |
モーゼル連発銃 | Mauser rifle |
捧げ銃 ささげ銃 | presenting arms |
銃規制 | gun control |
銃弾跡 | bullet hole |
銃剣道 | form of modern martial art using the bayonet |
銃撃戦 | firefight, gun battle, shoot-out |
銃砲刀剣類所持等取締法 | Swords and Firearms Control Law (1958) |
銃刀法 | Swords and Firearms Control Law (1958) |