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巡 : Patrol
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patrol, go around, circumference
めぐ.る めぐ.り
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 川 (47) |
Usage Rating: | 1262 |
Unicode: | 05de1 |
jis208: | 29-68 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
巡 Usage examples
駆け巡る 駆巡る | to run about, to rush about |
経巡る | to travel about |
塀を巡らす | to fence in, to surround with a wall |
巡り歩く | to walk around, to travel around |
お巡り | policeman |
巡回裁判所 | circuit court |
逡巡 | hesitation, indecision |
巡り | circulation (e.g. of blood), pilgrimage |
遅疑逡巡 | shilly-shally, hesitation, indecision, vacillation |
躊躇逡巡 | hesitation and vacillation |
巡回僧 | travelling monk (RPG term) |
巡回ロボット | crawler (e.g. a web crawler or robot) |
巡航ミサイル | cruise missile |