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初 : First time
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first time, beginning
はじ.め はじ.めて はつ はつ- うい- -そ.める -ぞ.め
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 刂 (18) |
Usage Rating: | 152 |
Unicode: | 0521d |
jis208: | 29-73 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
初 Usage examples
食い初め 食初め | weaning ceremony |
見初める | to have sexual relations for the first time, to meet for the first time |
咲き初める | to begin to blossom |
初更 | first watch of the night (approx. 7 pm to 9 pm) |
初葉 | beginning of an epoch, initial period |
初に | for the first time |
初巳 | first Serpent day of the year |
本初 | beginning, origin, start |
明初 | first year of Meiji era |
初等数学 | elementary mathematics |
初飛行 | maiden flight (e.g. of an aircraft) |
初戦 | first match (in a series) |
初犯者 | first offender |
初年度 | first year, initial (year) |
初土俵 | first tournament for a wrestler |
初優勝 | first championship win (esp. sumo) |
初っ切り | comic sumo performance |
初 初心 | birth-, naive, unsophisticated, inexperienced, green, wet behind the ears |
初っ端 初っぱな | the very beginning |
初刷 初刷り | first print (run) |
日本初 | first (of its kind) in Japan |
初祖 | the first generation of a family, school (of thought) or religious sect |
世界初 | world-first |
初歩的 | elementary, basic, rudimentary |
初期症状 | initial symptom |
初売り | first business conducted by retailers in the New Year |
初買い | going shopping on January 2nd |
箸初め | weaning ceremony |
一等最初 | first off, first thing |
初期の結核 | incipient tuberculosis, initial-stage tuberculosis |