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所 : Place
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Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 戸 (63) |
Usage Rating: | 221 |
Unicode: | 06240 |
jis208: | 29-74 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
所 Usage examples
彼所 | that far (something psychologically distant from both speaker and listener), that much, that point, yonder |
職業安定所 | Public Employment Security Office |
要所要所 | every important point |
立ち所に 立所に | at once, there and then |
旅所 | place where the sacred palanquin is lodged during a festival |
譲渡所得 | capital gains |
座所 | throne |
所構わず | irrespective of the occasion, indiscriminately |
雑所得 | miscellaneous (sundry) incomes |
捉え所の無い 捉え所のない 捕らえ所の無い 捕らえ所のない | subtle, elusive, slippery |
得る所が有る | to get benefit from |
研究所報 | research institute bulletin |
失望する所か | far from being disappointed |
所の事情 | circumstances of the office |
所要時間を計る | to calculate the time required |
製作所 | works, factory, plant |
強い所 | strong point |
当営業所 | our (the present) business office |
所では | so far as |
所を替える | to change sides, to change places |
早い所 | promptly, quickly |
場所を取る 場所をとる | to take up space, to occupy space |
不通箇所 | tied-up places (spots) |
保守系無所属 | conservative without party affiliation |
僕ん所 | at my place |
宮様お二所 | two Imperial princes |
無所属現 | incumbent member (or candidate) unaffiliated with a party |
コミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 | Communication Science Laboratories |
喫煙所 | smoking area (corner) |
訓練所 | training school |
高額所得者 | large income earner, people in the higher income brackets |
産卵場所 | spawning grounds, egg-laying site |
集合場所 | meeting place, rendezvous (point), roll-call (assembly) point, appointed (designated) place |
精算所 | fare adjustment office |
精米所 | rice(-cleaning) mill |
製造所 | factory, manufactory, works, mill |
待避所 | turnout, passing-place |
著作権所有者 | copyright holder |
発着所 | landing place (e.g. for steamers), station (e.g. bus), terminal |
法律事務所 | law office, law firm |
両替所 | exchange counter (office) |
練習所 | training school or institute |
大所帯 | large family |