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暑 : Sultry
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Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 日 (72) |
Usage Rating: | 1442 |
Unicode: | 06691 |
jis208: | 29-75 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
暑 Usage examples
厳しい暑さ | intense heat |
暑を避ける | to summer, to go away for the summer |
真夏の暑さ | heat of high summer |
残暑見舞い 残暑見舞 | late-summer greeting card (sent from about Aug. 8 onward) |
お暑うございます お暑うご座います | it is warm (very polite) |
暑がる | to complain of the heat, to feel the heat |
酷寒猛暑 | bitter cold and fierce heat |
暑い盛り | heat of the day, hottest part of the day |
猛暑日 | extremely hot day (i.e. 35 degrees Celsius or greater) |