家計の助け | assistance in supporting a family |
助言を仰ぐ | to ask for advice |
主語助動詞倒置 | subject-auxiliary inversion |
海難救助 | sea rescue, air-sea rescue, ASR |
助手席 | passenger seat |
生活扶助 | livelihood assistance |
補助員 | assistant, helper |
補助線 | additional line |
補助人 | limited guardian |
補助参加人 | auxiliary intervenor (in a lawsuit) |
被補助人 | person subject to a limited guardianship |
補助参加 | auxiliary intervention (in a lawsuit) |
助け合い | cooperation, mutual aid (help) |
民事法律扶助制度 | civil legal aid system (e.g. legal aid for poor people) |
民事法律扶助 | civil legal aid system (e.g. legal aid for poor people) |
医療補助者 | paramedic |
左心補助循環装置 | left ventricular assist device, LVAD |
生殖補助技術 | assisted reproductive technology, ART |
補助輪 | training wheels |
助く | to help, to save, to rescue |
係助詞 係り助詞 | binding particle (i.e. specifying an expression later in the sentence), linking particle, connecting particle |
国庫補助 | government subsidy, state aid, state assistance |
天の助け | godsend, gift from providence |
格助詞 | case-marking particle |
助平根性 | greed, lewdness |
雲助根性 | predatory nature, rapacious disposition |
自助努力 | self-help efforts, self-supporting endeavor |
国際緊急援助隊 | international disaster relief team, international emergency aid unit |
公助 | rescue and assistance (by public bodies) (e.g. in time of disaster) |
陀羅尼助 陀羅助 | traditional "Chinese" medicine for the stomach (usually prepared as small dark spherical pills) |
救助艇 | lifeboat, rescue boat |
間投助詞 | interjectory particle (e.g. "yo") |
接助 | conjunctive particle |
準体助詞 | particle that attaches to a phrase and acts on the whole phrase |
露助 | Russian person, russki, russky |
助六 | "inari" and "maki" (roll) style sushi |
終助詞 | sentence-ending particle (yo, ne, kashi, etc.) |
副助詞 | adverbial particle |
補助定理 | lemma |
住宅扶助 | housing assistance |
政府開発援助 | Official Development Assistance, ODA |
助産師 | midwife |
並立助詞 | parallel marker (particle used to join two or more words, i.e. "to", "ya") |
並列助詞 | parallel marker (particle used to join two or more words, i.e. "to", "ya") |
法助動詞 | modal auxiliary verb |
助宗鱈 助惣鱈 | walleye pollack, Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) |