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悪 : Bad
bad, vice, rascal, false, evil, wrong
わる.い わる- あ.し にく.い -にく.い ああ いずくに いずくんぞ にく.む
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 心 (61) |
Usage Rating: | 530 |
Unicode: | 060aa |
jis208: | 16-13 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
悪 Usage examples
好悪 | likes and dislikes |
折り悪く | unfortunately |
折悪しく 折り悪しく | unfortunately, at a bad time, at an unfortunate moment |
悪事を働く | to commit a crime, to do evil |
悪に染まる | to steeped in vice |
悪を懲らす | to punish the wicked |
頭が悪い | slow, weak-headed, dumb |
折悪しくして | unseasonably, inopportunely |
柄の悪い | ill-bred |
切れが悪い | thick, dull (blunt), viscous |
険悪の相 | a wild look |
作が悪い | have a poor crop |
酒癖が悪い | being a bad drunk |
三悪趣 | the world of hungry spirits and the world of animals, three evil worlds hell |
性の悪い | of poor quality, poor-quality, inferior quality |
善と悪 | good and evil |
火付きが悪い | slow to kindle |
悪事を唆す | to entice a person to do something wrong |
目が悪い 眼が悪い | have bad eyesight |
目に悪い | bad for the eyes |
悪い行い | bad deed, evil deed |
悪い風邪 悪いかぜ | bad cold |
悪知恵 | craft, cunning, guile, serpentine wisdom |
悪し様 悪しざま | unfavourable, unfavorable |
悪玉化 | scapegoating |
悪性水腫 | malignant edema, malignant oedema |
悪性貧血 | pernicious anemia, pernicious anaemia |
悪宣伝 | false propaganda |
悪徳政治家 | corrupt politician |
悪訳 | bad translation |
三悪道 | the world of hungry spirits and the world of animals, three evil worlds hell |
悪衣悪食 | shabby clothes and plain foods |
悪液質 | cachexia, cachexy, wasting syndrome |
悪事千里を走る | bad news travels quickly |
意地悪い | ill-natured, mean, nasty, sadistic, cruel, mean-spirited |
気持ち悪い | bad feeling, feeling bad, disagreeable, unpleasant, revolting, gross, disgusting |
悪玉コレステロール | LDL cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, bad cholesterol |
悪性新生物 | malignant growth |
環境悪化 | environmental degradation |
悪戯っぽい | roguish, impish |
胸が悪くなる | to feel sick, to be nauseated |
受けが悪い | unpopular (with), in the bad books |
悪送球 | throwing error |
悪事千里 | bad news traveling fast, ill news spreading like wildfire |
極悪非道 | inhuman, heinous, atrocious |
悪逆非道 | heinous, treacherous, atrocious, diabolic, fiendish, inhuman |
悪行三昧 | committing every evil, being given to evil ways, following the path of evil |
悪徳商法 | unscrupulous (crooked, fraudulent) business practices, pernicious sales methods |