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晶 : Sparkle
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sparkle, clear, crystal
あ あき あきら ひかり まさ
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 日 (72) |
Usage Rating: | 1613 |
Unicode: | 06676 |
jis208: | 30-29 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
晶 Usage examples
藍晶石 | cyanite, kyanite |
晶光 | brilliant light |
晶子 | crystallite |
液晶盤 | liquid crystal (display) panel |
イオン結晶 | ionic crystal |
液晶テレビ | liquid crystal television |
晶析 | crystallization, crystallisation |
共晶 | eutectic point, lowest melting point |
多結晶性 | polycrystalline |
非結晶性 | amorphous |
結晶性 | crystalline |
液晶ビューカム | liquid crystal viewcam |
水晶の夜 | Kristallnacht (night of concerted violence against Jews in Germany and Austria from November 9-10, 1938) |
赤水晶 | Red Crystal (politically and religiously neutral emblem used by the International Committee of the Red Cross) |