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章 : Badge
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badge, chapter, composition, poem, design
あき あきら あや ふみ
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 立 (117) |
Usage Rating: | 990 |
Unicode: | 07ae0 |
jis208: | 30-47 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
章 Usage examples
柔らかい文章 軟らかい文章 | informal style |
会員章 | membership badge |
旭日章 | Orders of the Rising Sun |
玉章 | your letter, excellent composition |
癖のある文章 癖の有る文章 | mannered style (of writing), idiosyncratic style |
首章 | beginning of a book |
章を改める | to begin a new chapter |
瑞宝章 | Orders of the Sacred Treasure |
拙い文章 つたない文章 | poor writing, shoddy writing |
標章 | emblem, ensign, mark |
やさしい文章 易しい文章 | easy (simple) writing |
文章題 | problem expressed in words |
紫綬褒章 | Medal with Purple Ribbon |
オリンピック憲章 | Olympic Charter |
ユネスコ憲章 | UNESCO charter |
最終章 | last chapter (book, etc.) |
権利章典 | Bill of Rights |
胸章 | medal, badge, insignia (worn on the chest) |
金鵄勲章 | The Order of the Golden Kite (Japanese military award) |
黄綬褒章 | Medal with Yellow Ribbon (outstanding service) |
断章取義 | interpreting (and using) a passage without regard to its context |
文章作法 | methods of writing, rules of good writing, writing style guide |
玉章 | love-letter, precious letter |
文章体 | writing in a formal style (bungo) |
菊花章 | Order of the Chrysanthemum |