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衝 : Collide
↑ click kanji to animate ↑
collide, brunt, highway, opposition (astronomy), thrust, pierce, stab, prick
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 行 (144) |
Usage Rating: | 972 |
Unicode: | 0885d |
jis208: | 30-55 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
衝 Usage examples
息衝く | to live, to pant, to gasp, to sigh |
緩衝弁 | cushion valve |
虚を衝く | to attack the enemy in his unguarded moment |
世界交通の衝 | focus of the trade routes of the world |
衝撃関数 | impulse function |
性衝動 | sexual urge |
衝 | opposition |
怒髪衝天 | being in a towering rage, boiling with rage |
樽俎折衝 | diplomatic negotiations at the dinner table, diplomatic bargaining |
意気天を衝く | to be in high spirits |
文明の衝突 | clash of civilizations |